Merchants can set up extras to be added to subscription at key moments to fight churn and increase loyalty.
Extras can be optionally added to any Subscription plan. There are three types of Extras:
- Free product
- Free shipping
- Extra discount
Extras must be added to specific cycles. Cycles refer to subscription orders where cycle 1 is the first order, cycle 2 is the first renewal, and so on.
Use the dropdown menu to select a condition for the cycle:
- is: Applies to a specific cycle.
- is after: Applies to all cycles after the specified one.
- is before: Applies to all cycles before the specified one.
- is between: Applies to a range of cycles (e.g., between cycle 1 and cycle 2).
- is not: Excludes the specified cycle(s).
Once set up, the selected add-on will automatically be included in the subscription order during the specified cycles. Any changes made to extras will only apply to newly purchased subscriptions and will not affect existing ones.
Check our guide for different use cases.